Mikri Vigla webcam and other Naxos web cameras

Mikri Vigla webcam (North bay, "Parthena") at Naxos.

(this image is being auto refreshed every ten seconds)

Watch the real time streaming video webcam! Depending on your browser a username and password might be asked.

Enter username: guest and password: guest to access the live webcamera video.

Weather report

Check our local Naxos weather station in Mikri Vigla for live weather report.

The web camera and the weather station are hosted by Kontos Restaurant located in Mikri Vigla beach of Naxos.

Naxos webcams

  • Mikri Vigla webcam: Live streaming video webcam of Mikri Vigla (requires a plugin depending on your browser).
  • Mikri Vigla webcam at "Flisvos" kite centre with view to the North beach (image auto refresh every 10 minutes).
  • Naxos townhall webcam with view to the port (image auto refresh every 60 seconds).
  • Naxos town webcam with view to the port (image auto refresh every 10 seconds).
  • Naxos town webcam with view to the seafront and "Portara" monument (image auto refresh every 10 seconds).